Contributing to the QATrack+ Development ======================================== We would certainly welcome contributions of code or cleanups/refactorings of existing code from anyone who is interested in helping out. This page will get filled out with more details as time goes on, but if you're interested in hacking on the QATrack+ code please `fork the QATrack+ repository on bitbucket `__. Please feel free to `edit this page <../edit/developers/about/>`__ and add any details you think will be helpful to other people! Getting ahold of the source code -------------------------------- The general sequence to contribute/patch source code to QATrack+ is as follows: - `Install git <#install_git>`__ - Create a `Bitbucket account `__ - `Fork the QATrack+ respository `__ found `here `__ - `Clone your newly forked repository `__ to your local computer. - Add a new feature, clean up some code, add tests etc - Push your changes back to your repository - `Create a pull request for the main TOHCC repository `__ Installing git ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QATrack+ uses `git `__ for revision control purposes. If you're new to git, Bitbucket has a tutorials for installing/configuring git on `Windows `__, and `Mac OSX `__ (ignore the Mercurial/HG sections)...if you're on a Linux system, git should be available via your package manager (e.g. apt-get install git, yum install git-core etc.). Resources for developers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Database schema diagrams `__ - `Python Tutorial `__ - `Django Tutorial `__ - An introduction to the QATrack+ code (not available yet)