Deploying QATrack+

A note about security

Before deploying QATrack+ in the clinic, please take the time to read about security & QATrack+ on the security notes page. We recommend using https for your site whenever possible.

Deployment Options

Django applications like QATrack+ are typically deployed on a Linux server using PostgreSQL or MySQL as the database. If your department has Linux support/experience this is the recommended way to deploy QATrack+.

That said deploying to a Windows Server instance using SQL Server is entirely feasible and many clinics choose this as their platform.

Deployment on a Mac server is also relatively straightforward.

Below you can find a number of guides for a variety of platforms. As of version 0.2.9, only the first two here are tested officially by the developers before release.

Officialy Supported


Configuring QATrack+ for your needs

There are lots of settings in QATrack+ that can be tweaked to meet the specific needs of your clinic. Some of the most common ones are described below (in progress!). Generally the qatrack/ file should be left alone and any customizations for your clinic should be placed in a qatrack/ file.